2021 Pre-Conference Institute

The pre-conference CRTL Train-the-Trainer Institute is for those interested in furthering training in CRTL scholarship and pedagogy. It is an opportunity for you to pursue CRTL trainings and take them back to your institution. It is typically held the day before the two-day conference.

For the 2021 conference, we introduced two NEW modules: Using Restorative Justice Practices to Combat Bias and Facing Whiteness. Read below for more information:

Using Restorative Justice Practice to Combat Bias

Incidences of implicit and explicit bias are occurring more frequently on college campuses across the nation. Some colleges have taken to using the practice of Restorative Justice, originating in Native American communities, to address the expressions of bias towards students, faculty, and staff of color. In this workshop we will look at several case studies where students were impacted by implicit bias and micro-aggressions based on stereotypes. We will look at why faculty, staff and students need to take a breath and self-reflect on their own biases before reacting to or engaging with students and peers. This workshop will look at ways to create a more welcoming campus for all using restorative justice practices.

Facing Whiteness

Successful implementation of culturally responsive pedagogy begins when we reflect on our own cultural background, interpret how our experiences affects our practice, and inquire into opportunities for growth. This workshop offers a space for faculty and staff, particularly White faculty and staff who usually make up the majority of educational institution faculty and staff, to examine and consider how the social construction of Whiteness affects their lives and experiences.

Four people in group discussion

At the institute you will select your module of choice, the group will split, and we will conduct trainings on these two modules, simultaneously. If you are sending a team, the team would be divided between the workshops and train each other when you return home. Each attendee will leave with one training completed.

Institute attendance will be limited to keep group size small and interactive, so register early. Please note that registration for the conference is separate from institute registration. The full day institute will be run by Maura O’Hare Hill.

For more information contact: