Jadi Omowale
Jadi Z. Omowale is an assistant professor of English at the Community College of Baltimore County. She is a co-director of CCBC’s Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (CRTL) program, a facilitator of the CRTL training program, and the Chair of the annual CRTL Conference. The national conference explores culturally responsive teaching scholarship, theories, and pedagogy.
Jadi has presented widely, at the Achieving the Dream conference, the Maryland Multicultural Proficiency Conference, the Community College Humanities Association’s national and regional conferences and the Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education. Additionally, Jadi facilitates trainings at colleges, universities, and K-12 schools across the country.

Maura O'Hare Hill
Maura O’Hare Hill is an Assistant Professor of English at CCBC. She attended Villanova University (’93, BA, BS) and Trinity Washington University (’96, M. Ed.). She is currently working on a PhD in Higher Education for Changing Populations from Notre Dame of Maryland University. Her interest in culturally responsive teaching was inspired by Gloria Ladson-Billings’ simple yet profound statement: “But that’s just good teaching!”