Accomplishments Academic Year 2017-2018

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Here is a list of the many activities completed this academic year:

  • We successfully convened the 4th Annual CRT-L Conference featuring Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings and Dr. Kimberly R. Moffitt
  • Launched a Train-the Trainer Institute at the CRT-L Conference; 40 educators from all corners of the country participated.
  • Conducted a 5-day (15 contact hours) Winter 2018 CRT-L Seminar
  • Two semester-long CETL CRT-L Adjunct Series (4 two-hour modules each)
  • Four two-hour training sessions with Mount St. Mary’s College
  • Conducted “What is CRT-L?” workshops for CCBC’s President’s Leadership Academy, Academic Development Instructors trainings, and the whole-college Professional Development Conference
  • In June, we completed the intensive 8-day CRT-L Seminar with 15 participants
  • Now offering a pre-conference training at Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education (CADE) in National Harbor, D.C. June 2018 (See


Accomplishments Academic Year 2017-2018