Summer 2017: Trainers offer Interactive Preview of CRT-L to Public School District in Morristown, New Jersey

In August, two trainers of the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Program (CRT-L) at CCBC travel to Morristown, New Jersey to present a three-hour workshop previewing the content and process of the CRT-L. The successful session paved the way for further collaborations and dialogue via CRT-L modules workshops.

Summer 2017: Trainers offer Interactive Preview of CRT-L to Public School District in Morristown, New Jersey Read More »

CRT-L at CCBC is collaborating with Mellon Foundation & Johns Hopkins University

The Mellon Foundation has presented our CRT-L program with a unique and exciting opportunity. Doctoral students and post-Docs at Johns Hopkins University received training in our CRT-L modules this spring in preparation for teaching at CCBC and elsewhere. CRT-L trainers will conduct four two-hour workshops at the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins. The program will continue each semester for the next two years.

CRT-L at CCBC is collaborating with Mellon Foundation & Johns Hopkins University Read More »