CRTL Conference 2025

10 Years of CRTL: Can You Hear Us Now?

Thursday, April 10th and Friday, April 11th

Pre-conference, Wednesday, April 9th

The Maritime Conference Center
Linthicum Heights, Maryland


Pre-Conference Institute

Wednesday, April 9th
Two Modules Choices

Two Keynote Speakers

Dr. Bernard Hall
Sunni Solomon

Break Out Sessions

Multiple Engaging Sessions and Panels over two days

Poet Laureate of Maryland

Lady Brion

As the population of the United States grows and becomes more globalized and culturally diverse, we increasingly interact with people who have belief systems, backgrounds, traditions and practices that are unfamiliar to us. It can be a challenge to know what to say, what to do, or how to respond to individuals who—like us—bring unique, culturally based expectations to the encounter.

Since 2004, the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning program at CCBC has been augmenting participants’ cultural awareness, helping to change attitudes, adding to their knowledge of others, and strengthening their skills at interacting effectively in the field with clients, patients, customers, co-workers, colleagues, students and others.

CRTL trains faculty, staff and students by engaging them in self-reflective processes that allow them to convey to others – students, in particular – the need for self-reflection, self-advocacy and self-awareness in life’s’ ever changing cultural contexts. In CRTL’s interactive workshops, participants examine their assumptions, gain valuable cross-cultural experiences by cooperating with diverse others, and developing specific knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with all people. The training program is based on the research of forerunners in cultural pedagogy such as Gloria Ladson-Billings, Geneva Gay, Etta Hollins, Claude Steele, Carol Dweck and is continuously updated with recent research in the field.

CRTL Programs

CRTL Modules

The program offers trainings in a variety of formats including 1 hour professional development workshops, 2 hour workshops on each module, and intensive multiple day seminars. The curriculum (subject to change) includes:

  • The Meanings of Culture and Race
  • Stereotype Threat 
  • Culture and Mindsets of Intelligence 
  • Social Capital, School Learning, and Equity
  • Implicit Bias and Restorative Practices 
  • Facing Whiteness

Annual Conference

Since 2014, CCBC has hosted an annual Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning conference. The conference mission is to “reach one, teach one,” until ultimately every student becomes an active agent in their education and every faculty member and administrator recognizes the rich cultural diversity of the students they serve. 

Conference attendees gather from across the nation to attend two full daysof workshops, keynote speakers, and panel discussions.

Train-the-Trainer Institute

In 2018, the CRTL program introduced its first Train-the-Trainer Institute, afull-day workshop for educators outside of CCBC who want to learn how to bring culturally focused pedagogy to their institutions. Educators from across the country have attended this training and have been inspired to develop their own training programs. The Institute is held annually as a pre-conference day.